Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral Counselor, spiritual director, and eXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Mike and Marcy Gauch

Mike and Marcy Gauch

Mike has a wealth of experience working with individuals, couples, and families, drawing on years of life and pastoral experience as well as training in Transformation Prayer (TPM), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Spiritual Direction. People who struggle with shame, guilt, depression, loss, anxiety, confusion, relational issues, or addiction will find an environment of grace at Safe Harbor, and will feel seen, known, and cared for. Mike is also uniquely positioned to help pastors, missionaries, and others in full-time ministry, because he understands first-hand the unique challenges people in these occupations encounter.

Prior to Safe Harbor Ministry, Mike was a senior pastor and counselor at Christian Fellowship Church in Columbus, Ohio for 24 years. Mike received his M.Div. from Grace Theological Seminary, having earned his undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University. He and his wife Marcy have been married for more than 30 years and have three wonderful grown sons and a beautiful daughter-in-law.

Marcy gauch
spiritual director

We all need someone in our corner, someone cheering us on in our journey of life. Marcy’s joy as a trained spiritual director is to companion others on their journey, helping them notice and nurture the work of God in their life. Her passion is to help people discover and walk in the unique ways that make their heart sing. It is her desire to hold a safe and sacred space for all, giving people the opportunity to voice their struggles, doubts, questions, hopes and dreams. She also recently completed training to lead others through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, a 9-month spiritual journey with the life of Christ.

Marcy is uniquely aware of the ongoing need for soul care, especially for church/ministry leaders and missionaries. Having experienced “hitting the wall” in ministry herself, she knows firsthand how imperative soul care is for preventing or navigating through burnout, and the crucial role that soul care plays in providing for a healthy sustainability in ministry.

Prior to co-founding Safe Harbor Ministry, Marcy was a worship leader, women’s ministry leader and Bible study facilitator. She holds a B.S. from The Ohio State University and is certified as a spiritual director from the School of Sustainable Faith. She is also trained in Transformation Prayer (TPM) and lay counseling through Christian Fellowship Church in Columbus, Ohio.